Anne Bishop, P. O. Box 313, Gainesville, GA 30503 (770) 783-5296

A. Bishop Law, LLC

Why Hire a Local Lawyer for a DUI in Flowery Branch, Georgia?

A street with cars parked on the side of it.

When looking for a DUI Lawyer in Flowery Branch, Georgia, we know that many lawyers claim to serve Flowery Branch. They also claim to serve about 100 other courts. We do not! We do not want a DUI Case half way across the State. We want local cases like those in Flowery Branch Municipal Court. In our experience, local is better.

A black and white photo of the sky.

A. Bishop Law is located just miles from Flowery Branch Municipal Court. If you would like a local lawyer to help you with your DUI charge or Traffic Violation, please call us at 770-783-5296.

Home Games versus Away Games

The Home Team generally performs better with Home Games.  The Home Team knows the subtle bounces and dead spots in the field.  They know how to get to the arena.  They know the security procedures.  They know which way the wind will blow during the season.  The Home Team gets to sleep in their own beds.  Generally, a Home Team performs better because they are more familiar and more comfortable with their surroundings.

The Away Team has to deal with travel, lost bags, bad food and uncomfortable beds.  The Away Team can get stuck in traffic and not know the route to the stadium.  The Away Team is not as comfortable, so mistakes, maybe, are more likely to happen.

Local to Your Case is Better!

It is our experience that hiring a DUI Attorney local to the area of the DUI Arrest is almost always better.  We generally do not travel more than 30 minutes away from our office.  We do this on purpose, because we want to be familiar with the courts that we attend.  (This is true even for us! If you are reading this 100 miles away, then please contact a local lawyer first!)

Familiarity with the Court Process:  Some out of town lawyers do not even know the basics of where the courthouse is located.  When are motions heard?  Can arraignment be waived?  Does the client need to appear with the attorney for all court hearings?  Can some items be resolved before court?  How do you get videos and audios?

We regularly attend local court hearings, so we know what to do within a specific courthouse.  DUI Lawyer Anne Bishop has appeared in Flowery Branch Municipal Court on numerous occasions.

Familiarity with the Personnel:  It is important to know who makes the decisions in a case.  In the decision making process, do the police officers tend to defer to the prosecutor or does the prosecutor defer to the police?  Do certain officers have certain training?  How does the judge generally rule?  Do the officers routinely appear for court?  What legal or factual issues might be better arguments to make to the prosecutor or to the judge?

Although no lawyer can guarantee a result, a lawyer with sufficient familiarity of the facts of the case and the location of the offense should be able to give an educated risk assessment to the client.  An informed analysis helps the client make better and clearer decisions in their own case.

Immediate Response:  If there are any issues, we can address them immediately and in person if necessary.  Our office is less than fifteen minutes from the Flowery Branch Municipal Court. 

Some Exceptions:  If you already have an out of town lawyer that you trust, and the lawyer is worthy of this trust, they should be honest on whether they can handle the matter or not.  Many times the comfort level of the existing relationship outweighs any lack of local knowledge.

If the client is not local to the DUI Charge, many times it is more convenient for the client to have a lawyer local to the client and not local to the charge.  Again, the lawyer that is local to the client should be upfront about the benefits and risks.

It is always better to have a lawyer versus not having a lawyer.  So regardless of near or far, please seriously consider hiring a lawyer, even if it is not us.

Bottom Line:  A Driving Under the Influence charge is a very serious matter and it is not a sporting event.  However, our shared life experiences tell us that in a contest of skill between two sides, it is usually better to be the Home Team.

At A. Bishop Law, our Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney welcomes questions on Criminal Defense laws, Traffic Laws and Georgia DUI laws. Please Call or Email us with any questions.

About the attorney:  Anne Bishop is a Georgia Lawyer with A. Bishop Law in Gainesville, Georgia and handles various DUI / DWI, Marijuana Arrests and other Georgia Criminal Defense matters.  The law office of A. Bishop Law can assist clients throughout Georgia including: Hall County (Gainesville, Oakwood, Flowery Branch), Jackson County  (Jefferson, Braselton) White County (Helen, Cleveland), Lumpkin County (Dahlonega), Dawson County (Dawsonville), Habersham County (Demorest, Cornelia), and all of Northeast Georgia.

This article and/or video should not be considered nor relied upon as legal advice since it is only intended for general overview and informational purposes. Please consult with an attorney on your specific situation in order to determine an appropriate legal course of action.

Anne Bishop
A. Bishop Law, LLC
Attorney at Law
539 Green Street NW
Phone: (770) 783-5296