Georgia takes Reckless driving serious, and Aggressive driving even more seriously. While this may save lives around the state, not every driver charged with reckless driving was driving recklessly, and not every driver charged with aggressive driving intended to be aggressive. Let an experienced and local Northeast Georgia Lawyer help you explore your options.
In Georgia, driving any vehicle and recklessly disregarding the safety of a person or any property can have grave consequences. This means you do not necessarily have to have an accident to be cited for reckless driving. Extreme speeding, weaving on the road, or other types of driving that may lead to accidents, often result in a reckless driving charge as well. Aside from potential accidents, Reckless Driving can cost you up to $1,000.00, up to 12 months in prison, time on probation, or all of the above. A Reckless Driving citation will also result in 4 violation points on your driving record, which will likely increase your insurance costs. Also, for drivers under age 21, this violation alone can mean an automatic license suspension.
Aggressive driving is an even more serious offense in Georgia than Reckless driving. In fact, driving recklessly actually becomes Aggressive Driving when it is done intending to annoy, harass, molest, intimidate, injure, or obstruct another person. But that is not the only way to get cited for Aggressive Driving. Any of those intents combined with any number of violations can become Aggressive Driving, including:
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â overtaking and passing another vehicle,
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â violating traffic lane markings,
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â following too closely,
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â violating signal, lane change, slowing or stopping laws, or
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â impeding traffic flows.
As one of only a few states with Aggressive Driving laws, Georgia law can seem complicated. The Traffic Attorney at A. Bishop Law is an expert on Georgia traffic laws. We know how important it is to have a local attorney that understands not only Georgia’s Aggressive Driving laws, but also the violations that support them. We can often negotiate a plea, reduction in an effort to avoid such a serious offense from appearing on your driving record.
Please see our Georgia Speeding & Traffic Law section in our video & Article Library for more information about Georgia driving laws.
For more information on A. Bishop Law Georgia criminal defense services, including speeding tickets, under 21 violations, DUI and Georgia Super Speeder citations, please email us or call us at 770-783-5296 if you have been given a citation for a speeding ticket or traffic violation.  Your initial consultation is free & confidential.
Areas We Serve: In our experience, local knowledge is crucial to a Speeding Ticket or Traffic Violation Defense, so we are up front about the areas where we handle cases. To be effective, a Traffic Ticket Lawyer must be familiar with the court,the judges, and the prosecutors of your case. We believe we can best serve a client with any type of traffic violation in Hall County, Flowery Branch, Oakwood, Jackson County, and Helen. We have been there before and know what we are doing.